Asociatia Familiilor Catolice Asociatia Familiilor Catolice
"Libertatea creaturilor e un fel de răbdare a Eternităţii."
Monseniorul Ghica

News International news

FAFCE Weekly news 12 nov 2015


European Parliament                                                                       

Annual report on human rights and democracy in the world 2014 and the European Union's policy on the matter
On Monday 16 November the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament (AFET) will vote on the Annual report on human rights and democracy in the world 2014 and the European Union's policy on the matter. The Rapporteur is Mr Cristian Dan Preda(EPP, Romania). As we mentioned last week, FAFCE already contacted his office to provide more information on the proposed amendments. You may recall the Panzeri Report, on which we worked a lot. The risk is  now to find again the same issues in this new report.
FAFCE's Voting Advice to the Member's of the AFET Committee will be sent to our Members for those who wish to invite their respective MEPs to read FAFCE's recommendation. Click here for more information. 


Homeschooling - An international conference on homeschooling will take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on 9-12 March 2016.
More information can be found at this website:  

Survey measuring LGBT inclusion in the world - The International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) has launched a survey for the purpose of developing a "Global LGBTI Inclusion Index" that would be run by the United Nations (UNDP/OCHHR). 

A short excerpt: As you probably saw, earlier this year governments adopted new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to run from 2015-2030. These build on the eight Millennium Development Goals that ran from 2000-2015. Now governments need to be measured on how well they are actually implementing the SDGs. And this requires a solid framework of indicators and statistical data to monitor progress, inform policy and ensure accountability of all stakeholders.
While the final text of the SDGs does not mention SOGIEI or LGBTI, UN agencies consider these populations as being intrinsic to the general population and deserving of the protections afforded in international human rights law. Therefore, UNDP together with OHCHR are developing a Global LGBTI Inclusion Index that will show how well governments are delivering on these goals to LGBTI populations.

More information available here.

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