Asociatia Familiilor Catolice Asociatia Familiilor Catolice
"Când cineva ne dovedeşte recunoştinţa el ne dăruieşte mai mult decât i-am dat. "
Monseniorul Ghica

Welcome to the Families meeting point, for all catholic families which are universal, open and interested to help or to be helped!
This is a website with information and resources about the FAMILY which aims to support the families in their beautiful role for the whole society as fundamental cells.
We are looking here at all the challenges which families face nowadays and we are looking to find together solutions for our families.
Association of Catholic Families "Vladimir Ghika" is proposing this site in order to be usefull for all the families from Romania and abroad.

About Association of Catholic Families

About Association of Catholic Families
One of the first Association of Catholic Families from Romania after 1989, it was a group of 20 families from Bucharest started in 2004 and officially exists since 24th of April 2008.
Its activities are based in Bucharest and under the ArchDiocese of Bucharest. The association is organized under the supervision of ArchBishop of Bucharest and has the scope to promote and apply the christian values in family's life, as the basic cell of society, in order to achieve a civil society based on christian family spirituality and the teachings of Romano - Catholic Church.
Also, the Association is wishing to be a forum of debates for decisional factors in order to protect family life in our society, a voice towards protecting the family in direct cooperation with the Catholic Church hierarchy and in dialog with Authorities and organisations from local, national and international level.
The Association has as first duty the presence and the service in the local Church, formation of a community between the families in parishes and at a diocesan level in order to increase the ecumenical spirit inside the families and between the families.
As means, Association Vladimir Ghika acts in spiritual activities, social, education and cultural activities as well in cooperation with other associations from Romania and abroad and with the Romanian Authorities.
The name of the association is called after the great martyr priest Monsignor Vladimir Ghika (more info on who said that „the marriage and priesthood only can save the society".

The Association of Catholic Families has connections with the others few associations from Romania involved in pro-life and family issues catholic and non-catholic.

Our Association is interested to promote Family Policies for Romania and to protect, support and develop the family in nowadays society in order to be better families day by day.


Last news

FAFCE Board Meeting 18-19th of October 2016 in Bruxelles

The 2nd FAFCE Board Meeting of 2016 was in Bruxelles and it had been accepted 2 new organisations with an Observer Status for the coming year: 1. The Italian Federation of Kindergartens (Federazione Italiana Scuole...


Work-life-balance 4.0 - conference in Bruxelles on 15th of November 2016

On Tuesday, 15 November 2016, the European Sunday Alliance, of which FAFCE is a member, will hold its next European conference in the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) in Brussels. This time we propose to focus on digitalisation and its consequences for work-life-balance and work free Sunday. ...


Reserving marriage to a man and a woman is not discriminatory

Press release Reserving marriage to a man and a woman is not discriminatory, says the European Court of Human Rights Brussels, 9 June 2016 Reserving marriage to a man and a woman is not discriminatory. This was confirmed by a ruling of the European Court of...


FAFCE Weekly news 3rd of June 2016

FAFCE Celebration of the Global Day of Parents The Global Day of Parents was celebrated last Wednesday, the 1st of June, as proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2012 with resolution A/RES/66/292. On this occasion, FAFCE issued a press release which was re-published by Life Site...


Tools for Parents launched by

TestCentral, a company specialized in editing psychological tests, has announced on 16th of December 2015 the launch of, an online platform containing tests aimed at helping parents screen their children from the first months of life until adolescence. The platform brings online a series of questionnaires traditionally available...


International Day of Parents - 1st of June 2016

Brussels, 1st June 2016 Today is the International Day of Parents, an occasion to recall that parents are the first and primary educators of their children. Every child has a mother and a father and the right to be raised by them. In those cases where it is not possible...


Family definition to be changed in Romanian Constitution

The constitutional amendment proposition has been filed with the Romanian Senate on Monday, 23rd May 2016 The Coalition for Family, an umbrella structure that includes dozens of organisations that promote...


Why to pray Rosary in our families today?

Why to pray today? All of our families need support and protection. We invite all catholic families to look at Jesus in May with Mary's eyes and Rosary. For our families and for those who do not believe, or do not adore Him.


EU Public consultation about work-life balance improvement

The European Commission has launched on 18.11.2015 a public consultation on how to improve work-life balance and reduce obstacles to women's participation in the labour market, thereby contributing to the employment headline target of the Europe 2020 Strategy. There are lots of good points to make….please consider to contribute!...


International Day of Families 2016: Families for Families in despair

Brussels, 12 May 2016 In connection with the International Day of Families, Antoine Renard, President of the European Federation of Catholic Family Associations (FAFCE) spoke this morning at a meeting of the European Parliament Family Intergroup that took place during the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg....


FAFCE Weekly news 6th of May 2016

FAFCE President, Antoine Renard, will speak at the European Parliament Family Intergroup Next week in Strasbourg FAFCE President, Antoine Renard, will intervene at the meeting of the European Parliament Intergroup for Family Friendly policies, on the occasion of the international Day of the Family, celebrated on the 15th of...


FAFCE Christmas 2015 Newsletter - Family seen from Bruxelles

A newsletter bringing you news about family issues in Europe!...


FAFCE Weekly news 12 nov 2015

European Parliament Annual report on human rights and democracy in the world 2014 and the European Union's policy on the matter On Monday 16 November the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament (AFET) will vote on the Annual report on human rights and...


FAFCE Weekly news 30.10.2015

FAFCE IX World Congress of Families FAFCE Secretary General, Maria Hildingsson, was invited this week to speak at the IX World Congress of Families, which took place from 27 to 30 October in Salt Lake City (USA). She spoke about “The Family in Europe – Past, Present, Future”. An...


Meeting with the Apostolic Nuncio to the European Union

This week in Brussels FAFCE Secretary General, Maria Hildingsson, and the Policy Officer, Nicola Speranza, had a meeting with the Apostolic Nuncio to the European Union, Archbishop Alain Lebeaupin. They had an extensive exchange of views on several issues, such as the challenges for the family today, the integration of...


Czech - Romanian Family Project: Brochure in English

"Lifestyle of Families. Life of Czech and Romanian families in a small survey" That's a wonderful brochure with the results of common international project done by National Centre for Families from Brno, Czech Republic with the financial support of Renovabis from Germany.


FAFCE Weekly news 27 november 2015

Attendance at the PACE Social Affairs Committee Meeting On Monday 23 November, in Paris, FAFCE attended the Social Affairs Committee Meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). The main topic of this meeting was the Draft Report on "Human Rights and ethical issues related to surrogacy"...


130 support measures for the Family - Proposals for a Comprehensive Family Policy by IPF

The Institute for Family Policies (IPF) from Spain has published on 27th of November, 2015 "130 support measures for the Family". The main conclusion of this report is that the family has been largely abandoned by the authorities. Spain has over 35 years of family vulnerability....


6th of November 2015 International Conference about Family Policies


FAFCE Weekly news 5 feb 2016

FAFCE Weekly News FAFCE Press release: Which strategy for equal opportunities for women and men? On 3 February 2016 the European Parliament, gathered for its Plenary Sitting in Strasbourg, adopted a Resolution on the new Strategy for Women's Rights and Gender Equality in Europe...


FAFCE Weekly news 8.10.2015

FAFCE Autumn Board Meeting FAFCE Autumn Board Meeting will take place next week, on 14-15 October, in Brussels. The Secretary General already sent you the programme and the draft agenda, together with the registration form. We look forward to see all the registered members’ representatives....


FAFCE Weekly news 20 nov 2015

FAFCE Press Release: Surrogacy Motherhood debated at the Council of Europe - are Human beings a commodity? Yesterday FAFCE issued a Press Release where it raised concern about the ongoing debate at the Council of Europe on Surrogacy Motherhood. You may find more information in the...


FAFCE Weekly news 25.09.2015

FAFCE FAFCE Board Meeting will take place in less than 3 weeks ! FAFCE Autumn Board Meeting will take place on 14-15 October in Brussels. The Secretary General already sent you the programme and the draft agenda, together with the registration form. Please...


FAFCE Weekly news 2.10.2015

FAFCE European Ideas Network Yesterday and today FAFCE attended the Summer University of the European Ideas Network, the think tank of the EPP Group in the European Parliament, which takes place in Copenhagen, Denmark, focusing on “Security and political stability”, with the presence of...

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